Seville 22/23 octobre 2010, "Atteindre l'exellence dans la prise en charge de l'interruption volontaire de grossesse"

Scientific committee
- Elisabeth Aubény, France
- Josep Carbonell, Spain
- Christian Fiala, Austria
- Kristina Gemzell, Sweden (Chair)
- Gabriele Halder, Germany
- Sam Rowlands, UK
- Mirella Parachini, Italy
- Anne Verougstraete, Belgium
- Sharon Cameron, UK
- Oskari Heikinheimo, Finland
- Gunta Lazdane, WHO, Denmark
- Philippe Lefèbvre, France
Translation will be provided into Spanish and French
(T) = simultanous translation available
Resolution passed by 601 health professionals working in abortion and family planning coming from 53 countries