Natalie McDonnell


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    The Situation in the Republic
    of Ireland This presentation will set out the basis of
    abortion in law in Ireland and examine recent
    developments pertaining to the manner in which
    Ireland’s constitutionally enshrined ban on
    abortion operates. The application of international
    human rights norms and standards reveal the
    manner in which the ban – and the failure to
    attain legal clarity in relation to its operation –
    provides real opportunities for change. One
    such opportunity arose in the context of A, B,
    C v Ireland, the case taken to the European
    Court of Human Rights in which the Grand
    Chamber of the Court, in 2010, found a breach
    of the Convention in the case of C, due to the
    lack of clarity and the illusory nature of the right
    to access a termination under Irish law where
    there is a real and substantial risk to the life of
    a woman. The options available to the State to
    ensure compliance with the judgment will also be
    explored in this presentation.