Françoise Dedrie



Representative for Belgium

Director of the ‘Centrum voor Verantwoord Ouderschap West-Vlaanderen vzw.’  (Abortion Centre), Oostende, Belgium.

Member of the Board of LUNA vzw., Unie van Nederlandstalige Abortuscentra.

Educational Background

1984 – 1987: Bachelor of Social Work, Hoger Instituut Sociale Studiën, De Haan (cum laude)

1997: Training ‘Behavioural Therapy’

1998: Training ‘Systems-theoretical Framework’

2000: Training ‘Parent Training Program’

2004 – 2008: Master of Social Work, Political and Social Sciences, University of Antwerp (magna cum laude)

2008 – 2010: Teacher Education Degree

1988 – 2012: Education, training & formation in Healthcare-related topics, End-of-life care, Quality and Business Practices

Occupational Background

1987: Centrum Gezinsplanning en Seksuele Opvoeding vzw.(Family Planning Centre) Brugge, 5 months apprenticeship

1987 – 1989: Zeepreventorium vzw., Educator for adolescents with multiple chronic diseases

1989 – 2011: Zeepreventorium vzw., Rehabilitation for children, youngsters and adults with Cystic Fibrosis (lethal chronic disease)

February 2011: Centrum voor Verantwoord Ouderschap West-Vlaanderen vzw.
