R. Ben Aissa et al.


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    Reproductive health women rights in Tunisia

    R. Ben Aissa, N. Abedrabo, F. Temimi, M. Ben Attia, E. Hsairi, N. Gueddana (Tunisia)

    Office national de la famille et de la Population Tunisie, Tunisia

    Women’s rights are a part of human rights and reinforce gender equality and then economic development and at term reduction of poverty.

    Reproductive rights in Tunisia, according Cairo conference in 1994, as been facilitated by an enabling legal framework and a political will and are one of the foundations of the socio-economic development plan.

    The presentation is related to: Women’s rights, right to education for girls, rights to contraception and reproductive health services, right to abortion, right to a safe maternity, women’s rights against violence, and rights for youth to a safe sexuality.