
Webinar recordings are only available for FIAPAC Members.

FIAPAC Webinar - 14 March 2025, 4 PM (CET) • Online

Addressing Barriers beyond Legal Restrictions


  • Welcome & Introduction - Chairs: Jana Maeffert & Alicia Baier
  • What Barriers prevent Gynaecologists in Germany from performing Abortions? - Rona Torenz, Department of Health Sciences, University of Applied Sciences Fulda, Germany
  • Objection to Abortion Care in Italy: not quite Conscientious - Danielle Pullan, University of Cologne, Cologne Center for Comparative Politics, Germany
  • Lawless: Abortion in Canada under Complete Decriminalization - Martha Paynter, Faculty of Nursing, University of New Brunswick, Canada
  • Summary and Close

To watch the recording, send an email to admin@fiapac.org.

FIAPAC Webinar - 22 September 2023, 4 PM (CET) • Online

Abortion Care: Maintaining Women's Choice of Method


Access to method choice: A US perspective
Laura McIsaac, MD, MPH, FACOG, Professor and Associate Director of Fellowship in Family Planning,
Department of Obstetrics, Gynecology, and Reproductive Science,
Department of Medical Education, Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences, Program in Public Health, Icahn School of Medicine, Mount Sinai Health System

Abortion options available in Sweden
Annette Aronsson, M.D. Ph.D., Director WHO-centre, Karolinska University Hospital,
Department of Women's and Children’s Health, Stockholm

Abortion care: What do women want
Carolina Rivas Barrera, gynecologist in Genesur Sevilla

Panel discussion: "How do we maintain surgical abortion training"?

To watch the recording, send a mail to admin@fiapac.org.

FIAPAC Webinar - 27 April 2023, 4PM (CET) • Online

VEMA - Very Early Medical Abortion


Chairpersons: Nausikaä Martens (Belgium) & Mirella Parachini (Italy)

Medical Abortion Before Confirmed Intrauterine Pregnancy: A Systematic Review
Karin Rebecka Brandell, Dept Women's and Children's Health, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden, Södertälje Hospital, Södertälje, Sweden

VEMA in Clinical Practice
Dr. John J. Reynolds-Wright, CSO/NES Clinical Lecturer in Sexual & Reproductive Health MRC Centre for Reproductive Health, University of Edinburgh, Chalmers Centre, NHS Lothian

VEMA "Open debate" pros and cons

To watch the recording, send a mail to admin@fiapac.org.

Webinar 3 December 2021

Second-trimester abortion
Organised by the International Federation of Abortion and Contraception Professionals (FIAPAC)
(this webinar is supported by Nordic Pharma)

To watch the recording, send a mail to admin@fiapac.org.


Chairperson: Mirella Parachini (Italy)
FIAPAC Past President - co-fouder of AMICA (Associazione Italiana Medici Contraccezione e Aborto)

Medical and surgical methods of 2nd trimester abortion
Patricia Lohr (UK) - Medical Director and Responsible Officer, Director, Centre for Reproductive Research & Communication, British Pregnancy Advisory Service (BPAS)

2nd trimester abortion: legal barriers and abortion travel in Europe
Silvia De Zordo (Spain) - Senior Researcher - ERC BAR2LEGAB research team, University of Barcelona